How to become a Magnetic Sex Goddess??!!

Welcome I’m Rachel your Sex Lies & Truth Sexologist.

I am here today to talk about becoming a Magnetic Sex Goddess!!! This is not a hard thing we just have to remove the obstacles out of our own way. There are some women that don’t feel comfortable in their own skin to be her damn self.

Then there are other women that just don’t feel confident ever or like she used to and she wants what the other women got. She doesn’t feel desired, things have gotten stale or maybe just completely gone. But rest assure that there is an Electrifying fire burning deep down inside of you. We are about to breakdown all your issues demolish everything and bring that fire back or get it started so you can and will be on your way to becoming Your Sexual Goddess!!

To become this Magnificent Magnetic Sexual Goddess is the same as just becoming a better version of  yourself, for yourself, family, friends and so much more, this will also include the love of your life. A Goddess women has the greatest power of attraction all that she needs and wants and most of all her desires. Regardless of what it is you contain all the power to fulfill all your passionate desires.

First an foremost you must do is to be a mindfulness and all that starts with your mind. Thinking positive, keeping a very optimistic approach. Smile because when you do the world smiles back at you. Your happiness is a key factor in all of this ground breaking power inside you.

Learning to love yourself alone and no one else is the second thing. You need to sometime be completely alone with some lubrication. Some might think she is crazy as hell if I’m going to do that play with myself but first hear me out and then think about it. The best why to be more confident in your sexuality is to get to know yourself on a different and higher level. You can experiment and explore yourself no laughing or judgement and only your feeling involved. If you don’t understand your own body to its full potential who will. The key is to build self-confidence and do self-talk with yourself to reach that raw desire, which will come once we are turned on. Try warming or cooling lubricant start with a nickel size in your palm. Let’s test the waters to find out what peaks you and gets you turned on.

Incorporate some toys into the mix this is the only way you will be able to tell your partner what you like and dislike. Don’t be quite let yourself go let your partner know how your feel without talking just sounds are all that is needed.

Let’s not be afraid to be emotionally intimate vulnerable. Learning how to let your guard down and allowing yourself to be free and vulnerable, only then will you be able begin to drop the baggage that prevents your inner siren from taking over. This will make room for emotional intimacy to take over and your fears. It’s important that you realize that sex is not the bad guy of the equation. Always be open and express yourself and always think about your sexual instincts.

Take control initiate let your imagination go into hyper drive. Do things you have only thought or dreamed about getting into. When a woman learns how to bring her erotic energy into all aspects of her life everything will change.

As women we need to be so confident and self-assured, that means being comfortable in your of skin. Believing in yourself and in your capabilities as well as being humble and gracious. As we embrace, uncover, actualize our power we can than understand and nurture its energy, the erotic is the bright light within yourself. When we allow ourselves to release it, this energy can flow, color and heighten all areas of your life no matter what it may be.

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