Healthy Relationships


True and Healthy relationships involve characteristics like honesty, loyalty, open communication, commitment, respect, trust, taking the effort and compromise from you both, respect one another’s privacy and space and one of my all time unconditional. When starting a relationship think about how to make your partner feel needed, desired and truly appreciated. To have a healthy relationship takes more than chocolates, material possessions and dates. When meeting someone it can be complicated, complexed, amazing and the wow factor all this takes careful consideration and as you get to know one another as times goes on and pay attention to the little things as well as the big things. This all leads to the ultimate goal for some people and that is marriage.

Here are somethings before you can have and build a healthy relationship you first must figure out what you want I your relationship. It’s not just about finding love or pleasing that other person, it’s about what do you really need and want out of the relationship. You have choices it’s not all about who wants you but who you want as well. What kind of partner do you want? What you want from your partner. How do you want your partner to act and treat you? Most of all, what type of relationship are you wanting. Finding love and lust in that one person is the ultimate goal for some of us. In relationships there must be some understanding (common ground) being able to accept your differences, expressing your thoughts, opinion and agreeing in compromising. If both really listen and hear what the other one has to say also understand, no one will feel like giving in and no one feels resentment.

First, we must have some communication and that comes in different aspects talking and non-talking, actions most of the time speak really loud and listening does as well and are major keys. When having conversations, it’s not what you say but how you say it. You must learn how to dig deep about your feelings and that’s not going to be no easy task remember it may not be heart felt either. Always ask open ended questions giving then to door to flow as much info as they want. When you’re talking to your partner pay close attention to their how they may say it, their tone or their movements these things speak louder about what’s really going on. Don’t try to read their minds just ask and if they don’t tell you don’t push trust that they will tell you in time. The more your get to know one another the more you and your partner will open up on a more profound level, this will lead to being more open and honest with each other and this will lead to trust.

Communication is a two-way street and conversations shouldn’t have I, You, or We this is a sign most talking is only about yourself and that not totally a true conversation. Ask them questions like how they feel, what’s up with them, their thoughts. Don’t point fingers or place blame look in the mirror and see how or what you can do to make things better. Communications are about you and your partner and both should have equal say in what is going on in the relationship. Everyone deserves to feel like they are being heard and be open about what is on their mind and open in what their saying. Set aside time to talk to one another and let them know if you feel like their dominating the conversation, they may not realize that they are taking over. In any communication it should flow back and forth like a song with great rhythm.

Speaking and listening non-defensively always have positive caring thoughts no matter what about your partner. Concentrate on what is right in your relationship, don’t worry about what you are trying to change. As a partner always appreciate, give words of encouragements, compliments and praise them. In any healthy committed relationship admire your partner who they are as a person. Trustworthy is a key component for any great relationship. Make time for them on a regular basis, accept your partner for who they are and don’t ever try to change them, accept responsibility for your actions always, be upfront and transparent. As their partner your supposed to be their number one cheerleader and always be open and listen. You should always be able to bring out the greatest qualities in your partner. Your partner has the ability to help you see the untapped possibilities within yourself. This maybe difficult and your love will be tested.

Relationships, our thoughts are this is for life and our love will last forever through the good, the bad and the ugly. But the inevitable is when reality sets in and you realize it takes more than love to sustain longevity in a relationship. When building a ever lasting connection we must learn how to negotiate our way through relationship difficulties. It will take skill to build a great healthy relationship which has many components love is one and you need more than love for the long haul. Over the years people have been trying to figure out why some people can stay together and others cannot.

In relationships you need to have a judgement -free space to be able to clear the air not no one becomes upset about what the other may say this may help to build a better greater and stronger healthier relationship. In this judgement-free you and your partner are both heard hopefully understood and respected then some conversations maybe deeper than others at time. When having talk time this is when you talk to your partner and tell them what you need from them and want. Sometimes you just need to vent about what happened that day or week or you just want to get some stuff off your chest. Every relationship needs a supporting partner to feel validated or just some advice. Remember our partner is not a mind reader so it is imperative to try to keep them informed so that you all will stay on the same page.

Learning to be direct about what you want and need will cut down on a lot of unnecessary miscommunication or stress in any situation. Communication is a powerful skill and always has room for improvements. Always stay open, honest, thoughtful, direct, unconditional, kind, respectful and mostly sometimes in a non-judgmental state to have a great relationship.

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