Healthy Relationships

Part 1

True, Healthy relationships involve honesty, loyalty, open communication, respect, trust and take the effort and compromise from your partner and you. Your respect for each other’s privacy and space is an essential part of a healthy relationship. There are some other characteristics of a healthy and successful relationship like communication, compromise and commitment.  

When starting a relationship think about how to make your partner feel needed, desired and most of all truly appreciated. To have a healthy relationship it takes more than just chocolates, material possessions and dates.

First, we must build communication skills and that comes in different aspects like talking & sometimes not talking listening, actions speak loud and theses are major points. When having conversation, its not what you say but how you say it. Your partner has the ability to help you see the untapped possibilities and the potential within yourself. Just remember you will have difficulties and the love you have will be tested.

In any relationship our thoughts are this is for life and our love will last forever through the good the bad and the ugly, But when the inevitable reality sets in and we realize it take more than love to sustain longevity in a relationship. When building a ever lasting connection we must learn how to negotiate our way through relationship difficulties. It will take skill to build a great healthy relationship which has many components love is one and you will need more than love for the long haul.

Over the years people have been trying to understand the why some people can stay together, and other people cannot. In any relationship has to be some understanding (common ground) being able to accept your differences, expressing your thoughts & opinion and agreeing in compromising. As long as both are really ready to listen and hear also understand one another no one will feel like giving in and no resentment.

Heres the thing before you can have and build a healthy relationship you first have to figure out what you want. Its not just about finding love or pleasing them it about what do you really need and want out of the relationship. You have choices, then what you want from your partner, how do you want them to act, how you want them to treat you? What type of relationship are you wanting? Finding love & lust in one person

In relationship there is a lot of work needed to be done to make them worth it. When two people commit to one another and are willing to give the best of themselves to the other person only then will the relationship stand a chance of being successful. When trying to build something good in a relationship you must create a safe environment of trust, share openly without being afraid and nonjudgmental. Being able to let your partner talk freely, fight fair no dirty fighting. When building a relationship never say anything when your upset, mad or frustrated. People tend to say things they don’t mean and will regret later. While your mad take time, space and wait till your calm to talk and discuss whatever is going on in your relationship or life.

In any relationship you have to listen to your partner, and they should do the same. When you have good communication, playfulness, fondness, respect for one another, trust, honesty, support, fairness of being equal and your own identities but to get the that relationship it is going to take some work.

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