
  Do you ever wonder why during sex your mind starts thinking about everything you have to do, need to do or have already done? A lot of people are so distracted, stressed and over committed with the present, future instead of being in the now. Sex is a essential…

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Healthy Relationships

  True and Healthy relationships involve characteristics like honesty, loyalty, open communication, commitment, respect, trust, taking the effort and compromise from you both, respect one another’s privacy and space and one of my all time unconditional. When starting a relationship think about how to make your partner feel needed, desired…

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Foreplay is a great starting point for intimacy. Quickies are ok. Foreplay can contain so much, they don’t have to start or be contained to the bedroom. Foreplay can trigger physiological and physical responses that makes it ever possible. It is a vital and important step to a wonderful sexual…

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How to Find Her G-Spot

How to Find Her G-Spot





The G-spot, named after German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg, is a pleasure point located inside the vagina within the pelvic urethra. Science is more dubious about its existence. But sexual pleasure is highly personal—to each her own—so it is worth knowing the basics.

Question: I heard there’s a place in a woman’s vagina called the cul-de-sac that’s even better than the G-spot. How do I find it?

Answer: Nobody goes to the G-spot anymore. It’s a total Clit and Rectal crowd. Everyone’s going to the Cul-de-Sac now. It’s actually called the Vaginal Fornix, but no one calls it that. It’s that place where the vagina dead-ends, sort of, like, behind the cervix. Like, if you were going to the cervix? But you kept going around the back? You can’t see it unless the uterus is raised, like, turned on.

It’s supposed to be hard to get in. Maybe for you. I mean, guys have to be at least average size. There’s a password: butterfly, like, the position where the girl has her legs all the way up, and then she has to suck in right as she’s coming. That’s what Barbara Keesling from Cal State Fullerton says. She wrote Super Sexual Orgasm: Discover the Ultimate Pleasure Spot: The Cul-de-Sac. She’s all, “It’s called light-socket sex… Seriously, you get the fireworks sensation of the lights behind your eyes. You get unusual sensations in your retina that we would call, like, fireworks. You get shooting colors. And it also makes you weak in the knees when you go to stand up afterward. And it also gives you a kind of uhhh, uhhh panting type of sensation.” And I was all, “No way,” and then she was like, “Penetration in the cul-de-sac goes to the spinal cord on a different nerve than the G-spot or the clitoris.”

But I talked to this doctor guy? Dr. Orlandis Wells OB-GYN? He was all, “Yes and no. Every woman’s sensitivity spot is different. The G-spot and the cul-de-sac are often painful for some women who enjoy the labia stimulation better.” And I was like, “Who said anything about the labia?”







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