It’s so surprising at how a lot of women have serious concerns that they can’t reach orgasms, but this is because most have no clue how their own anatomy really works or have even ever checked into their anatomy. If you don’t know your own body, how in the world can you guide your partner how to please you and achieve better sexual experiences.
Here are some things you need to know to get on the right track about your body:
First, we need to learn how to LOVE the skin you’re in. Learning your body is the top essential platinum goal here, starting with taking a mirror looking at you whole hardly, feeling and touching yourself, learning every inch of your body from head to toe. You need to do whatever it takes to get cozy and comfortable with yourself and your body. Start telling yourself you are sexy, fine and mesmerizing.
The more you know your body and how it works the more you can tell or show your partner what is sexually satisfying to you. Touching is a big part of getting to know you!!!! Foreplay is awesome which consist of kissing, sensual touching with getting so so close which is the ultimate gratification.
Sensual touching is relaxing the body and heightens your senses by stimulating the sexual senses without actually stimulating your body. You can use anything from your hands to your tongue, feathers, ties and plenty other things making sure it is gentle and teasing.
When you are sitting around talking something women embellish the truth to each other about orgasms, so they don’t look bad or looked at funny because they truly don’t know if they have really ever had an orgasm before or not. If they haven’t had one before all it takes is time and practice. I have heard there is a difference between just the pleasure of being intimate with someone and the pleasure and release of the orgasm. When you have an orgasm, you will most likely know. Most women can’t orgasm through intercourse or penetration but if she positions herself just right the clitoris is being stimulated by the friction of the penis.
Don’t ever feel bad if it takes needed extra assistance to get there it is perfectly normal. Simple anatomy some clitoris is closer to the vagina than others also every woman is different. The vagina has the miraculous ability to expand by as much as 200 percent in width alone to accommodate a penis of any size going in or a baby coming out. Normally the vagina is only three to four inches long.
One more thing masturbating is a great thing its self-love of you. It helps you to teach yourself what you like and don’t like and how to get your orgasm.
Last but not ever forgotten and very important using vibrators. A lot of women say they have a greater desire, more intense arousal and higher ability to orgasm during sex with their partner, but it also has the potential to raise your orgasmic threshold, making it harder for you or your partner to make you orgasm as you would with the vibe. If there is something you don’t know never be afraid to ask.!!! No question is ever a dumb question!!!